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Re: Your opinion, be that as it may.

>I agree with the general statement which he posted.

>My point was that tinear's post made sense based on my own informed opinion

And you base this on what? No condescension, seriously. If yr opinion is in fact informed, then you should be able to make a better case than tinear has to advance this point of view.

>I've heard plenty of Beach Boys music and while I'll grant that much of it is innovative, hardly any of the drug induced, paranoia inspired Brian Wilson compositions of that era hold up well in comparison with Sgt. Pepper or any of the later Beatles music

Well, labeling Pet Sounds as overhyped is not a difficult exercise. Backing it up by at least telling us why you feel that way shouldn't be too much trouble. I take polls with a grain of salt and take them far less personally than you generally do in my opinion, but while I get tired of seeing Sgt. Pepper & Never Mind The Bollocks at the top of typical RS-style best album lists, I do understand why they're there. Same goes for Pet Sounds. You want to knock it down a peg? Have at it--but in doing so it is at least necessary to give some background on why you feel this way when so many feel differently.

>Of course you attach a condescending caveat regarding those who have heard their music; well, I've heard most of it at least once, but to my ears it doesn't improve with repeated listenings.

Whoa. I SPECIFICALLY was referring to BOOTLEGS of an album that was never finished, let alone released. That caveat is valid. If you've heard the SMiLE boots, it'd be interesting to know when. They remain relatively obscure & fragmented. If you wish to deny that this music, Pet Sounds as well, was not a significant influence on Sgt. Pepper, you'll have to be a bit more specific. And keep in mind that there are decades of Paul McCartney quotes to the contrary. And George Martin. Sean Lennon's musings on SMiLE are particularly noteworthy.

You can like whatever you like, but when it's quite obvious that the Beach Boys were a significant influence on the most popular rock band of all time, I'll at least listen with an admitted preconceived notion. Because I WANT to know what influenced the Beatles, and I want to hear it, too. And when you get past Chuck Berry, Larry Williams, Little Richard, and a few others, there isn't a lot in that realm that jumps out at you...except the Beach Boys.

If you're not interested in what influenced the Beatles, good for you, but that speaks to conflicts in personal taste that make for problematic discussion...especially with people who denigrate this band while apparently not being aware of exactly what their influence was, how it manifested itself, or, worse, as tinear did, putting Brian Wilson down on grounds that are easily disproved as a matter of fact, not taste (i.e. his accomplishments are not only well documented, but universally affirmed by credible participants and bystanders--and if you are able to find a credible source that is willing to dismiss what he did in the studio, let us know what they have to say about it. I need a good laugh).

But then he likes to troll, doesn't he.

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  • Re: Your opinion, be that as it may. - J 14:12:41 02/22/07 (1)

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