In Reply to: Citation enough at the end, but keep up the good work though. posted by J.R. on January 20, 2007 at 05:27:52:
that I am the Emperor of the Bay Area. All that there is, all that you see, all that you eat, drink, breath , hear, screw and walk upon is mine. I collect ALL the money from anything and everything.
I also know how to find a record at Amazon.
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Follow Ups
- Not many know....heh heh - LWR 05:30:00 01/20/07 (3)
- That reminds me Emp, your pouch of gold is in the mail. Thanks again - musetap 11:32:23 01/20/07 (2)
- Dear Subject - LWR 18:14:31 01/20/07 (1)
- Well, they're, uh, busy....and will be for the forseeable future...N/T - musetap 11:33:55 01/21/07 (0)