She is a support in the film Dreamgirls, the fictionalised version of The supremes and she plays the MAry Wilson/ejected character.
I repeat the film is highly fictionalised.
But its good. Beyonce stars but is completely eclipsed by Hudson.
She sounds like Mavis Staples. Prime Mavis Staples.
And in the middle of the film as she is sacked is her stand alone number. I think its called I'm Not Going.
The rest of the cast are great. Hudson is a brand new star.
On this one song she just lets it flow out of her. Its mesmerising.
I can think of nothing this side of Tim Buckley screaming on Greetings From LA that comes close.
Its spectacular.
Its wonderful.
And she was on American Idol. And before that she was singing on cruises.
Its wonderful.
I am gushing. But you should hear her.
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Topic - So who the hell is Jennifer Hudson? - dave c 01:45:00 01/18/07 (15)
- Re: Possibly the long awaited for next Aretha...This girl - LongPlay 08:55:59 01/26/07 (0)
- Re: So who the hell is Jennifer Hudson? - evl bnkr 17:04:21 01/19/07 (1)
- In the film... - dave c 17:15:17 01/19/07 (0)
- Call me the Grinch if you wish, - Bruce Kendall 14:02:13 01/18/07 (1)
- she doesn't really do the Mariah Carey thing - dave c 15:19:44 01/18/07 (1)
- Re: Jennifer Hudson's Da Bomb, Bay-Bee!!! - FRG7SWL 09:31:39 01/18/07 (5)
- FT-2000 rocks! - Yaesu 14:14:40 01/19/07 (3)
- Re: FT-2000 rocks! - FRG7SWL 09:59:38 01/20/07 (2)
- Re: FT-2000 rocks! - Yaesu 05:39:10 01/21/07 (1)
- Re: FT-2000 rocks! - FRG7SWL 09:16:12 01/21/07 (0)
- yes yes, of course - dave c 12:39:50 01/18/07 (0)
- "And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going" - Harmonia 07:52:46 01/18/07 (1)
- Fat? - dave c 12:37:55 01/18/07 (0)
- American Idol - Finch Platte 06:57:31 01/18/07 (0)
- She won a Golden Globe - LWR 06:53:29 01/18/07 (0)