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has anyone seen Jeff Martin and the Toronto Table Ensemble

They are playing here soon.
Here is the blurb...

Yes, it’s true! After his highly successful recent Australian Tour, Jeff Martin will return downunder to treat fans nationwide to an enthralling musical experience. And we’ve decided to let the great man himself do the talking… My dear friends, Thankfully, the time has come once again to tour the great land of Oz. During past "Tea Party" tours I have been witness to the growing appreciation of world music elements that were central to the magic created by Jeff Burrows, Stuart Chatwood and myself. In this time...unfortunately, we are unable to come together to reinvent those moments. It is a dream come true to be able to announce that I will be touring in Australia in early September with Ritesh and his Toronto Tabla Ensemble. The Toronto Tabla Ensemble is an ever shifting aural experience which has, in its past, fused with great success; music from the west and the east. I anticipate that the concerts we will perform will achieve no less in interpreting the music of "The Tea Party" and my new record "Exile and the Kingdom". Sincerely, Jeff Martin Popular local musician Rob Sawyer will be Jeff’s special guest on this tour.

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Topic - has anyone seen Jeff Martin and the Toronto Table Ensemble - dave c 13:43:02 09/01/06 (1)

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