This is the perfect way for you to show your opinion of this highly regarded (in some circles at least!), album. (This particular item is from Yech's personal collection, I believe.)(FYI, I am NOT affiliated with the seller. Personally, I consider it an insult to vinyl lovers everywhere to desecrate virtually any album (Barbra Streisand excluded of course!), by doing this to one, or making one into a bowl.)
PS Actually, I really like DSOTM, as it is my 2nd favorite PF album, after Meddle.
:-) Have fun!
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Topic - For all you DSOTM bashers, here it is! - Raiderman 07:49:10 07/07/06 (9)
- Re: Careful There, Raiderman... - FRG7SWL 09:52:03 07/11/06 (1)
- Re:Very creative smiley * - Guy, 08:15:57 07/15/06 (0)
- Now I see why the PF lovers say DSOTHM is the best - audiogatorjim 13:15:14 07/10/06 (0)
- I have absolutely no time for this. - axolotl 10:42:53 07/10/06 (0)
- I understand that... - JeffH 18:48:50 07/07/06 (0)
- But is it the Harvest British Pressing? (nt) - 6V6GT 15:26:55 07/07/06 (0)
- Re: For all you DSOTM bashers, here it is! - hairydog 12:13:51 07/07/06 (0)
- The problem I see with this - kerr 11:45:18 07/07/06 (0)
- The picture disc DSOTM keeps better time...N/T - musetap 11:37:48 07/07/06 (0)