In Reply to: much as I hate to be right... ;-) posted by dave c on July 1, 2006 at 20:30:21:
Not something I initiated. I've kept my political point's of view out of this forum (and Inmate Central) unless responding to someone else.I agree that this particular forum is very inactive and rather mundane. MUCH more so than when I first began to come here. Still, it IS a rock music forum, not a political one.
I also know from experience that you davec, love taking your shots at the United States, and even though I may get kicked off AA, I'm not going to let it go without a response.
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Follow Ups
- But only as a response - Redwing 21:45:32 07/01/06 (1)
- OK OK... but... - dave c 02:14:08 07/02/06 (0)