There are definetly trolls lurking around. I assurer you i`m not one.
That said the term troll is thrown around a bit loosly.
When we are here we have to leave our minds a bit and think how other might be thinking.
They might not be trolling but in a different mindset then you.
The only reason i bothered to post this is that i have went through postings page after page and seen some answer"TROLL" rather loosely.
It is though,...To disern between an actuall troll and someone that just wants to break the boredome at the moment.
I`m not saying anything...All i know is i pass a post if it doesnt say something to me. I dont shout out troll at random.
sometimes even a troll can start your mind to thinking and thinking is always good.Go ahead and punish me.
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Topic - troll issue - zman 22:28:14 06/03/06 (1)
- funny - unleasHell 20:42:44 06/04/06 (0)