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Dixie Chicks Slam Lubbock & Buddy Holly

Dixie Chicks Slam Lubbock & Buddy Holly
Lubbock Online ^ | 5/2/06

Rock icon's siblings perturbed at his portrayal in lyrics

LUBBOCK, Texas A reference to late rock and roller Buddy Holly on the new Dixie Chicks album is drawing criticism from his brothers.

In "Lubbock or Leave It," Natalie Maines of Lubbock sings: "I hear they hate me now/Just like they hated you./Maybe when I'm dead and gone/I'm gonna get a statue, too."

Holly was born in Lubbock and his statue is downtown.

He died in a 1959 plane crash in Iowa.

Larry Holley doesn't know of anyone who hated his late sibling.

Travis Holley says his late brother was proud of Lubbock.

Maines in 2003 -- during the Iraq war buildup -- told a London concert that the group was "ashamed" President Bush is from Texas.

Many country radio stations stopped playing Dixie Chicks music.

Some still don't.

Kenny Maines of Lubbock says the lyrics of his niece's group indicate some venting of feelings continues.

The new album is: "Taking the Long Way."

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Topic - Dixie Chicks Slam Lubbock & Buddy Holly - LWR 19:24:19 05/02/06 (29)

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