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Moody Blues Reissues Redux (sorry)

I compared my '97 "remasters" [ahem] with the new hybrids, a/b-ing in realtime (the '97s in my $3,000 Naim CD5X, the new ones [CD layer] in my $80 JVC DVD player) via the remote-switchable inputs on the Nait. The new ones smoked the '97s silly! Generally, The '97 remasters have a slightly tilted-up treble that's annoying and rob the music of some apparent body and ambience; the new ones sound fuller and more spacious. On "In Search of the Lost Chord" ('97 version) there are several tracks where it sounds like Graeme is ticking away on a closed hi-hat; on the new ones it's apparent that he's playing the ride cymbal!! I wonder if the mastering engineer on that session had DBX or Dolby A switched on by accident, then cranked the 10k+ e.q. to compensate!! (The Moodies' master tapes from the 1960s were pre noise reduction technology)

Anyway, a night vs. day difference, and I haven't even heard the SACD layer (don't need to, I have a Naim CD5X ;-))

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Topic - Moody Blues Reissues Redux (sorry) - Lawrence of Suburbia 18:45:58 05/02/06 (0)

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