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It's all about the music, dude! Sit down, relax and listen to some tunes.

Tongue in Cheek response

I once invented an A-B switch (the "RL-100") with the following instructions for use:

1) Place the RL-100 on a Teflon-coated, vibration-free surface, ensuring that the polhode rolls without slipping on the herpolhode lying in the invariable plane.

2) Don static-free silk gloves and place the RL-100 into the "A" position. It is extremely important that the current (“base state”) be established in the “A” position.

3) Using the techniques described in Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge, locate your special “spot”in the listening environment.

4) Rid your mind of all extraneous thoughts, entering a trance-like, but highly acute sensory state.

5) Listen to the first source with the focused serenity of the Dalai Lama.

6) Carefully rotate the RL-100 knob 37 degrees to the "B" position. The knob will pass through an intermediate “neutral” position to remove any remnants of the initial "A" state. Note: Do not allow this action to interfere with your trance-like state.

7) Return to your special “spot” in the listening environment.

8) Listen to the second source with the same focused serenity.

9) Note the subtle differences in tone, timbre, harmonics, brilliance, presence, beauty, sonority, liquesence, mesonic charge, chromatic dispersion, and Cêrenkov radiation. Pay particular attention to the non-acoustic aspects of the sound. Note these differences in a non-judgmental, loving way, accepting them as glimpses of the ultimate unity of all experience from behind the veil of Maya and avoiding earthly labels of “better” and “worse”.

10) Or not.

rlindsa - new vinyl freak

There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats. (Albert Schweitzer)

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