Home Music Lane

It's all about the music, dude! Sit down, relax and listen to some tunes.

Me, too...

And since it's my bad day, I'll say what I otherwise wouldn't:

If there had to be two critics to be hit the hardest by all this, I'm not sad it's Distler and BM. I never encountered a thought that makes sense in their crappy "reviews" in which one of them merely imposes his own very limited, very poor, and very weird tastes on everything, and the other one is blown away by whatever preformed notions and extramusical associations he might be having that day, feeling great about "the great art of music." Both of them are real provincial patriots, though in very different ways of course.

And the way they write is even worse than the way they think/feel/associate/whatever it is that's going on in there when they "work."


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  • Me, too... - tlyyra 03:39:00 02/24/07 (0)

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