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In Reply to: RE: Looking for new ambient (dark and otherwise) or drone artists posted by kerr on October 13, 2009 at 06:51:50
Don't know any of the recordings you've listed but check out some of my recent interests:
Alva Noto - "Xerrox Vol.1 & 2" - Found on Amazon. Good stuff! Some of it sounds like static with the sound deconstructed and manipulated. Not to every taste, but it works within the context of the music, some of which is quite beautiful. Truly inspired. The more I listen to this, the more I think I may bestow near-genius status on this guy.
Northerner - "1976" - Electro/Acoustic music released by: http://hibernate-recs.com/hb04-northerner/
Chihei Hatakeyama - "The River" - Released by: http://hibernate-recs.com/chihei-hatakeyama/
Chihei Hatakeyama - "Saunter" - Found on Amazon.
Loscil - "First Narrows" - Found on Amazon.
http://boomkat.com/ is a good place to browse ambient and other interesting music. Do an artist/recording search and check out the reviews. Also check out: http://www.fluid-radio.co.uk/ Lots of interesting music, reviews and streaming audio.
The only one recording of the above I've heard in its entirety are the Xerrox pieces. The others I recently ordered based on some sample clips.
Hope this is helpful and let us know if you find any gems.
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