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Re: HIP HOP & rap are 2 different things

first off... you're showing your ignorance by classifying gangsta rap as "hip hop" personally... i think of it as the OPPOSITE of hip-hop. originally, breakdancing was about getting out of gangs and dancing instead of fighting. it was a POSITIVE movement. i take issues with gangsta rap being called hip-hop. it's anti-hip-hop.

second... even if you do call gangsta rap hip-hop... that's just ONE branch of the movement. not all of it is about gangs. if you want to hear a REAL hip hop jam... then check "atomic dog" out by george clinton! that song has more heart than ANY song from the 80s. PERIOD!

it seems that the same people that go off on anti-hip-hop rants "it's all atonal anger music" (actually i agree there... don't like gangsta) are total surban hypocrites who listen to screaming hardcore hevy metal devil worshipping music and nine inch nails. (which is just as annoying to me) heavy metal squealing guitar solos are just as atonal as a DJ scratching... but at least gangsta has a beat to where hardcore doesn't have that OR a melody i can hum.

in most cases that i've seen... it isn't the music that really bothers the haters... it's the race making the music that's the real culprit. it seems to me that the same people that really hate rap see nothing wrong with shaving their heads and getting swastika tatoos.

i hate ALL atonal anger music no matter who's making it. i'd rather tap my toe and hum along. if you can't do either... it isn't music.

"don't worry...
be happy"

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  • Re: HIP HOP & rap are 2 different things - budget minded 23:50:29 09/21/05 (0)

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