Great: half retarded, jilted, Philisitine-small-town-small-minded-wife, turns beauty, terror, grace, pathos, and otherworldliness into a typical, 3-way love triangle....
Besides being a HUGE LIE, - it was boring....
Man am I angry.....
If you think you're going to faint, go out in the hallway
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Topic - Saw Control last night on Netflix: what a load of crap - Sordidman 08:55:09 08/06/08 (5)
- please tell us what you know about the "lie"? - dave c 14:42:48 08/23/08 (4)
- RE: please tell us what you know about the "lie"? - RC Daniel 00:37:53 08/24/08 (3)
- a little history - dave c 14:09:19 08/24/08 (2)
- and ps... - dave c 18:42:14 08/25/08 (1)
- RE: and ps... - RC Daniel 02:09:46 08/27/08 (0)