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Tuxedomoon: Keeping HipPop alive..........


Don't know if I saw it posted here or overheard it at me local shop, - but does TuxedoMoon have a new recording out? (Amazon shows 2002 or so). I am not sure if Blaine Rediediger has a new recording out or if he's still in Belgium. I worked with a friend who did a film and lights at one of their last SF shows before we formed Sordid and Tuxedomoon broke up.

I've always been a big fan, but only have the Half Mute CD right now.

I think the Peace Orchestra are fans too... wonder if they're pals.


is this the real me, or a mere facsimile?

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Topic - Tuxedomoon: Keeping HipPop alive.......... - Sordidman 19:33:48 03/31/05 (3)

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