Classical Court

Touche - I see what you're doing!

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Obviousness of the music: it's hackneyed, without distinction, sounding lazy, as if not much effort was required to come up with it. Yes, I realize that I've just added other words to my original use of "obviousness". But perhaps that rounds out the descriptor a bit more?

Stupid music: it's the type of music that anyone with half a brain could think of. For instance, some of the music was a feeble attempt at humor - but the attempt sounded no better (IMHO - remember, we're being subjective here!) than what was composed for zillions of "humorous" TV commercials from the 50's.

Idiotic manner: the attempt to pad an already stupid musical phrase with low quality sequences and repetition, possibly combined with all too obvious (there's that word again!) orchestration - e.g., one phrase played by a solo piccolo, the next phrase played by a bass (B-flat) tuba. Yeah, that's real wit - not! And besides, it's been used innumerable times by other composers

However, the whole discussion may all boil down to a similarity to Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart's definition of "pornography" (in a 1964 decision): "I know it when I see it!" In the case of Shostakovitch's musical defects, I know them when I hear them! ;-)

BTW, have you heard the music in question yourself? Do you have an opinion on it?

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