The Geshelli J3 arrived yesterday and got hooked up immediately. The first question was whether it would be a better DAC than the resident one in the Rotel CD11. It was clearly superior. That was a relief because it eliminated the idea of returning it.
I am not much of a reviewer but here are my initial impressions. Currently it has the stock TI OPA1656 opamp installed. Even with that modest chip the soundstage is wider and higher. There is an overall improvement in clarity. The bass is definitely more detailed. The bass violins sound much more like bass violins, not just something that adds bass notes. The highs are also more detailed. Bells and triangles have more ring to them.
The improvement in sound certainly validated the $529.98 expenditure. It is a welcome addition to my sound system.
Soon the Sparkos 2590 opamps will be installed. Every reviewer I've heard says that the Sparkos tranforms the J3, taking it to a much higher level.
I want to listen to the TI opamps long enough to get adjusted to the sound so that when the Sparkos go in, any significant differences will be clear.
And then, of course, there will be the swapping of digital cables. There are three available right now and a fourth will be ordered shortly.
Nothing like an improvement in gear to get me back in the listening chair more often.
More to follow when the Sparkos get installed.
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Topic - It's h-e-r-e - psgary 11:44:40 11/01/24 (3)
- Always a fun experience - E-Stat 15:19:02 11/01/24 (0)
- RE: It's h-e-r-e - AbeCollins 13:05:30 11/01/24 (1)
- Sparkos options - psgary 11:43:20 11/08/24 (0)