In Reply to: Audio Aero hell - Never again!!!!! (long but a worthy warning) posted by jbcortes on April 19, 2007 at 06:04:03:
JB... I'm very sorry to hear about your problems, but I am happy to see they are finally doing the right thing for you.I must feel fortunate, as I have not had many problems with the MK2 Prima CD players. I do have Jody and the folks @ Globe Audio Mktg who are terrific, no fantastic. when it comes to support and standing behind what they distribute. If I do get a bad new Audio Aero player, Jody replaces it no questions asked with a new unit. To MAKE sure customers have no problems, I do test each player out for a few days before shipping/delivering it to the customer.
I have to disagree with you about second hand Audio Aero players! I have recently sold a couple of used MK2 Capitoles and even a used MK1 Capitole. All players are in happy customer hands and are working fine. Now, I do put some work in up front on these players (thoroughly test them out, replace tubes, and fix anything that is amiss), but again I do that with any used product I sell (putting those engineering and techincal skills I have to work). You also just need to be sure that they are packaged properly and well (double box) and shipped quick (FedEx 2 day or Express saver service) as most problems I have run into with Audio Aero players has been damagae as a result of shipping. Used Audio Aero players can be a great value... properly mainatained and handled they can provide years of very satisfactory use.
Happy Listening,
Rich Brkich
Retailer & Audio Asylum Industry Liaison
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Follow Ups
- Re: Audio Aero hell - Never again!!!!! (long but a worthy warning) - Rich Brkich 15:57:03 04/19/07 (0)