In Reply to: Problem trying to record analog with CD recorder posted by Tadlo on April 19, 2007 at 09:10:14:
A few ideas:First, make sure the signal to be recorded is reaching the Sony recorder. If it has a "monitor" function and headphone jack, see if there is any signal. If the analog record level is adjustable, turn it up. I have some source gear with low outputs, and my CD recorder has to have the record volume pot all the way open for a decent signal level. Check the output level of your mixer, too. It may not output the proper signal voltage for your recorder. Test this by feeding the recorder a different analog source (e.g., another CD player, using its analog outputs and the CD recorder's anaolg inputs).
If you have a signal coming in to the recorder, I would check your blank media. Your recorder probably requires CD-Rs labelled "Music" or "Audio" CD-R. "Data" CD-Rs and unspecified CD-Rs may not work in your machine. Also, you may have a bad batch of media - more common with generic or store brands. To be sure, try a Sony Music CD-R. I would expect the best compatibility of Sony CD-Rs with Sony recorders.
Both recorders I have used (Pioneer and Marantz) both enter the Record/Pause mode when the Record button is pressed. To begin recording, I must then press the Play button. Your machine may be similar.
Lastly, check your default setup. Perhaps the record volume is fixed at too low a level, and you need to set it to manual record level for the level control to work.
Lastly, try different cables. I have had cables go silent on me before.
After all this, if it still won't record, it may require service. My Pioneer stopped reading discs. Apparently, its laser assembly is easily knocked out of whack, and then it requires repair (I had two Pioneer CD-recorders do this to me - it's a known issue at Pioneer).
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Follow Ups
- Re: Problem trying to record analog with CD recorder - bondmanp 11:23:24 04/19/07 (5)
- Re: Problem trying to record analog with CD recorder - Tadlo 13:59:33 04/19/07 (4)
- Re: Problem trying to record analog with CD recorder - Bruce from DC 15:40:59 04/19/07 (3)
- Re: Problem trying to record analog with CD recorder - Tadlo 06:29:53 04/20/07 (2)
- Here's your problem.... - NewStevo 11:03:56 04/20/07 (1)
- Re: Here's your problem.... - Tadlo 12:44:59 04/20/07 (0)