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Re: there should be, but there isn't one

Update: First, thanks for your thoughtful input. I believe I have already tried this.

I spoke with Millennium Digital tech support about a half dozen times this week. They claim the Moto STB / Millennium digital service does not support DD -> PCM downmix at this time.

I read the Moto 6200 and 6400 operators manuals (several times!). The spec supports PCM signals, but does NOT mention any capability about downmixing. I have cycled through the user menus on the Moto box. The options are very limited to closed caption and resolution. I have cycled through the menus on the cable service. There are options for audio: matrix and stereo. But these do not affect downmixing from DD to PCM in any manner.

My DAC is a modified Museatex Bidat. A little old for sure, but with a sound I am very fond of. It is 2 channel, and no Dolby processing - only PCM. I prefer not to buy an AVR, since I am only listening to 2 channel, and want processing in the Bidat.

Millennium claims they are getting new STBs in a few months, but do not know if they enable downmixing.

Should I punt, and try satellite digital instead? Does anyone have experience with downmixing on a sat system?


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  • Re: there should be, but there isn't one - tetsuo 13:36:01 03/30/07 (0)

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