In Reply to: Ripping and burning software - sonic differences? posted by plantsman on March 13, 2007 at 05:11:56:
...some better than others. If you search past posting you will see the subject has been beaten to death.I find EAC to be very good for ripping. I don't burn CDR anymore since the new ones are all desiged for very fast writing and they don't last for too long. I preffer hard disk(PC) storage and playback.
As Todd says, it is a black art and sonic differences are audible despite the same data content. It is all dependent on optical media properties and transport, how they interact together, vibrate etc.
Add to this differences in how software controls the drive and the whole dynamic of the mechanical system changes again. The mechanical vibrations affect digital circuitry during reading and writing and that also includes the dac chip on your cd player.Eliminating the burning process eliminates half of the problems.
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Follow Ups
- CDRs sound different - Kiepu 09:52:26 03/13/07 (1)
- Re: CDRs sound different - plantsman 10:40:31 03/13/07 (0)