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Jolida CD 100 5751 Tube compatibility question

I recently bought a Jolida CD100a, which I am not crazy about. Even after rolling the stock Sovtek 12ax7LP tubes with EH, and NOS Sylvanias, I am getting a harsh glaring lower treble sound, with MIA upper treble, compared to my el cheapo NAD 542, which by comparison is smooth, quiet, sparkling and extended. I was reading in Joe's Tube Lore where he loves substiututing the 5751 tube for the 12ax7(which he says all stink sonically). I woulr like to try that, but since the 5751 has 30% lower gain, am I going to get 1.4 volts output instead of 2? Also, will this lower gain change the circuit or cause any problems with the unit? Another option is to upgrade, would better diodes, caps, resistors, jacks help? thanks for any insight.

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Topic - Jolida CD 100 5751 Tube compatibility question - csintx 09:57:08 02/28/07 (7)

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