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Need advise on the best method to add a Behringer DEQ2496.

I'm seriously thinking about selling my Bryston 7B ST's and replacing them with a Behringer EP1500 (or two) and a Behringer DEQ2496. Hopefully it'll be one step backwards and three steps forward!

Anyway I'd like some opinions on the best & cheapest way to implement this....

First of all, I'll be using the DEQ as my DAC. Now will the DEQ upsample the digital output from my old redbook CD palyer? If not, should I bother with a Behringer SRC2496?

Secondly, is it worthwhile to keep the signal path balanced from the DEQ's output to the EP1500 amps? I really only have one Digital source for the moment so I just need a way to adjust the volume. I'm assuming it would be a bad idea to use the gain control on the power amps for this right? Can the DEQ control it's analogue output and function as a basic volume control? I know I can just buy some RCA to XLR adapters/cables, and use my existing pre-amp between the DEQ and EP1500 amp, but that doesn't preserve my balanced signal...

Thirdly, do I just purchase the Mic and the DEQ or do I really need one of the additional software packages to make the most of the DEQ?

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Topic - Need advise on the best method to add a Behringer DEQ2496. - maine71 15:22:43 02/22/07 (8)

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