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Rather try to locate a source of supply of the Elna caps...

... as they can and do have an influence on the "voicing" of a CDP...

I switched caps from Rubicon Blackgates to Elna Cerafines on a Rotel based on an A:B comparison between my unmodded player and one that had been done - and the difference in voicing really appealed, so did the "cap switch".

I don't know the Sanyo caps and, as a result, can't really comment on their likely influence other than to say the change will, most likely, affect the sound/voicing of you CDP.

If you're unhappy with the sound, then it may be worth a gamble, but if you're not unhappy, then I would strongly urge you to replace "like with like".

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  • Rather try to locate a source of supply of the Elna caps... - DevillEars 21:33:31 02/15/07 (0)

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