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RE: Nothing wrong with optical

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Lifatec, that's one i never knew of, i use a uk shop site called futureshop, it might be on there as optics or other things, and i missed it him. I've heard of lifatec.

Thanks for that.

Ok, one hurt for me, sadly i worry a lot paying for a glass optic coming from America, it a lot of transport bumps and bangs for the glass, i worry little shards hurting performance. Damn. I feel like this is a sign. Nothing letting me buy an optic glass cable. It's making me really wonder... huhhhhhh.

OCD? Maybe. But glass optics to me, sounds fragile. I would have to get one made in the UK lol. I think i'm cutting my choices mighty slim here. I know QED is made in the UK, but their quartz, glass?, cable is 5m or 3m, ughh. I might need to re-measure my run at a different angle, see if 3m will do. I'm bloody here there everywhere at the moment. I'll measure my run again... eeeee.

QED's 2 choices are polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) acrylic glass optical fibre vs quartz.

Quartz one is the expensive one. Is the PMMA glass then? Not some hybrid?

The cable in question^.

Maybe this optical thing is over, hmm. Thanks again.

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